Feline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / Herbs
Feline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / HerbsFeline Gut Soothe - Pre & Probiotics / Herbs
Lower inflammation in the body

Help your cat overcome diarrhea, constipation and hairballs the natural way with this blend of anti-inflammatory herbs and pre&probiotics. Increase their immune system by increasing their gut health!

Dhs 153.00

VAT included

  • For Cats

  • 14-Strain Probiotics with Functional Prebiotics

  • Targets inflammation in the GI tract, respiratory system, and urinary tract

  • Unique Blend of 30 Billion CFU Wide-Spectrum Probiotic With Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

  • Free from Maltodextrin, Cellulose, Saccharomyces, Fructooligosaccharides, Animal Fat, Glycerol, Flour, & other non-functional ingredients

  • Safe & Non-Toxic

  • For Cats

  • 14-Strain Probiotics with Functional Prebiotics

  • Targets Inflammation In The GI Tract, Respiratory System, And Urinary Tract

  • Unique Blend of 30 Billion CFU Wide-Spectrum Probiotic With Anti-Inflammatory Herbs

  • Free from Maltodextrin, Cellulose, Saccharomyces, Fructooligosaccharides, Animal Fat, Glycerol, Flour, & other non-functional ingredients

  • Safe & Non-Toxic 


Highest quality professional human grade 

pre & probiotics 


Adored Beast uses only the very best professional human grade ingredients to keep your pet safe! 

FREE of fillers, grains, synthetics, GMO and other health depriving ingredients!

Over 80% of the immune system lays in the gut, which is why gut health is one of the most important foundations of health!




  • Professional human grade means the ingredients aren't just human grade, but they are the best quality human grade ingredients that you can imagine! Unlike other products, Adored Beast uses only the highest quality ingredients and absolutely no fillers!

  • Gut Soothe contains 14 allergen-free strains with 30 billion CFU of non-allergenic probiotics, while most probiotics contain only 3 to 5 strains of probiotics. Most other probiotics are dairy-based and can aggravate allergy and yeast symptoms.

  • The right prebiotics are critical for the probiotics to colonize. The prebiotics found in the Feline Gut Soothe are from a larch tree extract that also stimulates the immune system and helps block the growth of tumor cells. 

  • 3 products combined in one! Pre & Probiotics and anti-inflammatory herbs are combined in the right amounts in this cost-saving and easy-to-serve powder that's 100% free of any fillers.


why is Feline Gut soothe important?

  • Antibiotics are commonly overprescribed and can harm our pets health by destroying the gut flora. Gut Soothe can be a natural and non-invasive way to help relieve diarrhea, vomiting, lung issues and more.

  • Chronic inflammation is the cause of almost every chronic disease. This is why it's so important to focus on providing anti-inflammatory foods and supplements to our dogs that help fight against disease and create long lasting health from within. Gut Soothe includes not only probiotics but also prebiotics which are very important, as they feed the good bacteria in your pet’s gut. The added herbs soothe the GI tract and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

  • Antibiotics, NSAIDs, steroids, over-vaccination, processed food, stress, and grains or beans are harming the gut environment and create many of the chronic diseases that we see in our pets today. Adding Pre & Probiotics into your pet’s diet helps protect your pet’s health and rebalances the gut flora.

  • An unhealthy gut can lead to serious malnutrition, increase the risk of infection and disease, and weaken your pets immune system. Over 80% of the immune system lives in your pet’s gut, keeping the GI tract healthy by adding Pre & Probiotics  will increase their overall health!



  • Allergies
  • Skin Conditions
  • Digestive problems
  • Anxiety
  • Sensitive Stomach
  • Ear infections
  • Yeast infections
  • Eye problems
  • Low energy
  • Aggression / depression
  • Arthritis and joint pain
  • Bad breath
  • Thyroid issues
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Issues with liver, pancreas or gallbladder

  • Food sensitivities
  • Hair loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Tremors
  • Appetite issues
  • GI ulcers
  • Diarrhea, constipation
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Hyperactivity / restlessness
  • Dementia / reduced learning
  • Dry eye
  • Cardiac issues
  • Asthma


L-Glutamine (150mg), N-Acetyl Glucosamine (125mg), Slippery Elm Bark (100mg), Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (30mg), Marshmallow Root 4:1 (6.25mg), Multi-Strain Probiotic Blend (15 Billion CFU),  Larch Arabinogalactan (150mg), Liver Glandular (20mg)

All ingredients are professional human grade. Each ingredient in this product has been carefully selected to target each component of your pets digestive tract and health.


  • Promotes digestive health & brain health
  • Supports proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Improves immune function
  • Promotes muscle growth and helps with high blood sugar
  • Helps fight cancer
  • Acts as a band-aid to prevent further damage to the gut
  • Balances mucous production
  • Excellent for pre- and post-surgery
  • L-Glutamine is a building block of protein

N-Acetyl Glucosamine (fermented cornstarch)

  • An amino acid that supports healthy digestion and is essential in the healing of leaky gut 
  • Supports strenght of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Helps protect against irritants that can cause inflammation
  • Supports healthy mucous membranes and linings in the respiratory tract, digestive tract and urinary tract
  • Found naturally in the mucous membranes of digestive, urinary and respiratory tracts

Slippery Elm Bark

  • Soothing effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts
  • Helps protect against stomach and duodenal ulcers
  • Used to soothe colitis, GI inflammation and acidity

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (Licorice Root)

  • Benefits gastric mucosa
  • Improves circulation, secretion of the protective layer, and supports the growth of new mucosal cells
  • Safe for those with high blood pressure

Marshmallow Root

  • Induces phagocytosis, which is the process in which certain cells take away bacteria, dead cell tissue or other solid particles
  • Soothing effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive, respiratory and urinary tracts
  • Used to soothe colitis, GI inflammation and acidity

14 Strain Probiotic blend

  • Helps rebalance gut flora
  • Helps to inhibit yeast growth
  • Blocks adhesion sites of pathogens
  • Enhances immune responses
  • Aids in preventing and treating diarrhea
  • Helps to maintain the integrity of the intestinal tract
  • Aids in preventing and treating UTI's
  • Helps to decrease side effects of antibiotics

Larch ArabinogalactaN

  • Prebiotic
  • Supports colon health
  • Stimulates immune system
  • Used as an adjunct to cancer treatment, blocks metastasis of tumour cells
  • Extract derived from the larch tree



Free of molds, chemicals and heavy metals. Toxic preservatives need not apply.

NO GLuten

No grains, wheat, barley, peanuts, rye, or oats. Nothing to irritate such allergies.


Every ingredient in Adored Beast products is a 100% pure, active ingredient. There are no fillers.


The ingredients used are all-natural vitamins and minerals, nothing synthetic. EVER.


All of the ingredients are sourced from non-GMO farms. No pesticides or herbicides are used either.


WHEN TO USE gut soothe:

  • When your cat is not feeling well

    When your cat is suffering from an upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, caugh or other temporary discomfort that is linked to inflammation within the body. 

  • Hairballs

    We recommend to add Gut Soothe on a daily basis, along with a nutritional oil, such as hemp, to help hair pass more smoothly through the digestive system. 

  • For seniors and cats with chronic issues

    Gut Soothe is an important daily addition to lower inflammation if your pet shows symptoms of chronic inflammation such as arthritis, skin disease, yeast, burping, lung issues, IBD and more.

  • When transitioning to a new diet

    Gut Soothe is a great addition to the food before, during and after transitioning onto a new diet. It will make the transition go much smoother and help your cats body adjust quicker.


how TO USE feline gut soothe:

size of pet

teaspoons per day

52g will last

Under 2.7 Kg

1/8 tsp

116 days

2.7 - 5.4 Kg

1/4 tsp

58 days

Above 5.4 Kg

1/2 tsp

25 days

Important Notes

  • Add dose per dog’s weight to food once per day.
  • In chronic cases where symptoms do not begin to improve within 10 days, it is best to consult your veterinarian.
  • Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. 


Frequently asked questions


Do I have to use the entire container or do I stop using once symptoms disappear?


While trying to address any health issue with Adored Beast products it is good to do a minimum of 6 weeks. This is because authentic herbalists found that the body needs an average of 6 weeks to process the healing response.


With many chronic diseases (an issue that you’ve been using medication for or your animal has had for over 1 year) it is often the case that you will need to rotate Gut Soothe with Love Bugs or Healthy Gut to diversify the gut flora as much as possible. Many animals are taking the products long term because they feel so much better when they are on them.


Do I stop using other probiotics?


It is not necessary to be on additional probiotics but if you are currently giving one it doesn't hurt to finish or slowly wean off rather than just stopping something abruptly your animal has been getting.


One thing to note is that the probiotic blend in Gut Soothe is quite powerful, offering 30 Billion CFUs (colony forming units) per serving for a medium-sized dog. Too many probiotics can cause loose stool, so if you are currently giving one, be mindful of that!


If my pet is allergic to shellfish, will the N-acetylglucosamine be a problem?


If you know your animal is allergic to shellfish it is best to stay away from our products that use N-acetylglucosamine. 

Please understand that shellfish allergy is not the same as a fish allergy.


Will this interact with any other medications?


It should not be given to animals that are on anticoagulant drugs (drugs against blood clogging). It is always advisable to check with your veterinarian if your animal is being treated for an existing condition or if they are on medication of any kind.


what other conditions is this used for?


Anything that involves mucosal lining. Gut Soothe is incredible for bladder health and respiratory (lung) health as well!


Can I use this if I feed dry food?


We actually really recommend adding this to dry food!

Pets eating a dry food diet are consuming inflammatory foods on a daily basis so adding Gut Soothe to dry food will help your pet lower inflammation throughout the body.


Adding anti-inflammatory foods is very important to maintain longterm health and lower the risk of diseases.


What is the difference between Gut Soothe and Healthy Gut?


Both products have the same base - the pre and probiotic blend that makes up Love Bugs.


Gut Soothe has the added herbal components that target inflammation and can soothe the mucosal lining.

Healthy Gut has the added digestive enzyme components which help your pet absorb nutrients better.


Does this need to be refrigerated after opening?


The product is freeze-dried, so while refrigeration is not necessary, we believe it will help to maintain optimal freshness, especially in the heat of Dubai.


Does this Product expire?


Yes, please check the bottom of the jar for the best before date.


Do pets need pre and probiotics? can i give one or the other?


Yes, you should give both. If you think of the gut as a garden, Probiotics are the flowers that grow, making it a friendly and healthy environment. Prebiotics are the fertilizer that help the friendly flowers to thrive, because they feed the probiotics. Pre & Probiotics need each other to thrive.


once I start giving my pet supplements, do i have to give them forever?


No. We believe the best way to give supplements is to rotate them. You can add certain supplements according to the season (i.e. a Spring detox), or on a weekly basis to support well-balanced health.


How do I know if my pet has leaky gut?


There are many symptoms of leaky gut: digestive issues, chronic vomiting and/or diarrhea, skin issues, and frequent infections. 

Leaky gut can contribute to many unseen symptoms as well; it is often at the root of the most common health conditions and often misdiagnosed as "Allergies".


how do i know if my pet has yeast build up?


Symptoms of a yeast infection may include itching, skin irritation, and inflammation, especially around the ears, paw pads, nasal folds, anal area, armpits, and neck. You may notice an unusual “frito-feet” smell and/or brownish staining and/or sticky discharge in these areas as well.


why we love Adored beast!


Adored Beast is one of our absolute favourite pet health brands for a very good reason!

Many pet parents (including us) accredit Adored Beast with helping their pets overcome health issues that were not responding to conventional treatments as well as restoring true, long-lasting health in their pets.

Adored Beast has made it their mission to find the most natural and gentle, yet incredibly effective solutions to your pets health issues.

Years of clinical experience and research have gone into developing the products. There is hardly any other brand that is as ethical when it comes to sourcing ingredients and formulating products! 

We are extremely proud and grateful to be able to offer Adored Beast products to the animals of the UAE! 


Julie Anne Lee, DCH, the founder of Adored Beast has been a pioneer in the holistic pet health space for decades. Since graduating from the Vancouver Academy of Homeopathy in 1997, Julie has studied with some of the most renowned homeopaths worldwide and has run her own strictly holistic veterinary practices in North America.

Julie is an incredible mentor to us and we are incredibly grateful that pets around the world benefit from her determination to help our pets live healthier lives!

We could listen to Julies stories for hours and hours, learning about her journey of becoming a holistic veterinarian and homeopath, being inspired by her stories of changing Canada legislation to create a more natural approach to pet health care.

Julie has been the owner and practitioner of some of the busiest and long-standing holistic Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics in North America, an instructor at the College of Animal Homeopathic Medicine, lecturer for the American Homeopathic Veterinary Association, British Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons Association and many more over the last 20 years.

In 2019 we visited Adored Beasts production facility in Canada and saw with our own eyes how Adored Beast products are made and we were absolutely amazed.

Only the highest quality ingredients and absolutely no fillers are used in Adored Beast products! Everything in the bottle has a specific job to do and is only used to the benefit of your pet! Julies ethics when it comes to the products and who she works with are incredible!

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Gail D.
Reason for purchase: Persistent diarrhea in FIV positive cat.
How this product helped:: Far fewer cramps, much less gas, fewer accidents
Fabulous for FIV cats

Four years ago I rescued an FIV positive cat. Since the day I took him in he’s had terrible diarrhea and often can’t make it to the litter box. He also had painful abdominal cramps multiple times a day and wet farts. High quality food alone was not helping. Within a month of adding probiotics to his food, I’ve noticed he only cramps occasionally (maybe every other day instead of multiple times a day), the wet farts are gone and diarrhea accidents are significantly reduced. He still has loose stools but he is definitely on the mend. One reason for our slow progress is he really doesn’t like the taste of the probiotics in his food. I’ve had to mix in beef broth or other strong flavors to hide it.

Moly m.
Reason for purchase: I bought this brought for boosting the digestive system and food sensitivity.
How this product helped:: High energy levels
PAWDEGA Experience : The Pawdega Team as always has been very cooperative in guiding to select the best for our furbabies.
Fantastic Feline Gut Soothe

It's such an amazing probiotic which is loaded with goodness that benefits the overall well-being of our furbabies.

We are so happy to hear you’ve noticed improved health and wellness! Thank you so much for sharing.

Staicu C.
Reason for purchase: Diahrea
How this product helped:: Well formed stools
PAWDEGA Experience : We have a less stressful life now
First yummy supplement ever

My cat loves Feline Gut Soothe and waits patiently every day to mix it in his wet food. He has poo poo problems and we have tried varios tummy suplements with probiotics but they have been a hassle to administer to him as he refused to take them. Feline Gut Soothe is the perfect medicine for picky eaters in my opinion.

We are so happy to hear you’ve noticed improved health and wellness! We’re really glad that Feline Gut Soothe helps settle your cat’s stomach and he now has formed stools. Thank you so much for sharing.

Fatima a.
Reason for purchase: Because my dog switch his food from boiled to raw
How this product helped:: No more diarrhea
PAWDEGA Experience : I cannot express my gratitude to everyone, especially kristina
Gut soothe

I always use Gut Soothe when my dog ​​or cat has diarrhea or allergies. I never regret buying it.

We are so happy to hear that Gut Soothe worked so well to help reduce your dog’s diarrhea and allergies! Thank you so much for sharing. We are really glad to be a part of your pet’s natural wellness journey.

Tanya S.
Reason for purchase: I have one cat diagnosed with IBD, two other that are suspected but yet not with final IBD diagnoses that needed a good natural probiotic and gut support supplement. I have an asthma girl currently on antibiotics which affected her tummy so she is now too on Adored beats probiotics. Product was recommended to me by a Facebook Group for cats with IBD. I have contacted Adored Beast which transferred me to you as reliable place where I can get what my guys needed.
How this product helped:: My IBD guy mouth is a little bit less smelly then normal and his fur is better. We are in 1/3 of the feline gut soothe jar and he is on a lot of medication at the moment. I hope in next couple of weeks/months I will have better results to report.
PAWDEGA Experience : it was very easy to order and the delivery was very fast.

Quick delivery, good customer service.

Thank you so much for sharing! We are so glad to hear that your cat’s mouth is less smelly on Feline Gut Soothe. We wish your cats continued health and wellness!


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