DO you want to know how to keep your dog cool and prevent heat stroke this summer?
Every single pet parent in Dubai knows THAT feeling. That feeling of stress and worries creeping up inside you as the temperatures keep climbing and Dubai summer is coming closer and closer.
Tragically, many pets will die due to heat-related deaths in the next few months. UAE veterinarians report an increase in the number of heat strokes in dogs as the summer progresses and “too many dogs are dying of heat exhaustion”. If we are not careful, our dogs could also suffer from heart failure, brain damage and long-term damage to brains and organs due to the stifling heat.
The worries of heatstroke and overheating can be a big stressor to humans AND pets and it is important to know how to prevent overheating and what to do to help your pet cool down this summer.
In this blog post, we will share our top tips on how we are protecting our French Bulldog, Milka, during the UAE summer months, while still keeping her healthy, fit, and mentally exercised.
The latest pet wellness tips on how to keep your pets safe
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About Charly Pruden
Charly is the #dogmom of French Bulldog Milka, and Co-Founder of PAWDEGA. Charly has always had a passion for animals, but her passion for pet wellness activism began when Milka’s undiagnosed health issues were healed by adapting a natural, non-toxic, and proactive pet wellness lifestyle. Through extensive research, content creation, attending pet health conferences in the US, and working with world-renowned holistic and integrative veterinarians, Charly continues to raise awareness on important pet health topics to empower pet parents to help their pets live longer.
- https://gulfnews.com/lifestyle/community/too-hot-for-animals-1.1871825
- https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2013/06/24/overheating.aspx
- https://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2015/06/08/pet-overheating-symptoms.aspx
- https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/can-my-dog-get-heat-stroke/
- https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/how-to-keep-your-dog-cool-9-other-summer-safety-tips/