IVDD: How Our French Bulldog Recovered Naturally And Without Medication

By Charly Pruden 

July 10th 2023

Expected Read Time: 15 Minutes

It was one of the scariest situations we've had to go through with our French Bulldog. Milka was unable to walk, shaking all over her whole body... Her vet suspected a non-surgical herniated disc.

In this blog post, we are going to share our experience with IVDD and the story of how we healed Milka's IVDD 100% naturally, avoiding medication and surgery!

We created this below natural wellness plan for Milka utilizing natural remedies and supplements, bedrest, physiotherapy, red light therapy and veterinary guidance. If at any point Milka did not show improvements on this natural wellness plan, we would have immediately gone back to the veterinary clinic for integrative support and online consultation with a holistic veterinarian.

Disclaimer: We were able to treat our dog 100% naturally. The below pet wellness plan is what worked for our Frenchie. The information in this blog does not substitute professional veterinary advice.

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Our French Bulldog's symptoms OF IVDD

Here's what happened: Milka was playing with another dog in the office and must have hurt herself in the process. After playing, Milka laid in her bed all day which is not unusual, so we did not notice she was hurt. When Larry picked her up to go potty, she screamed loudly. Milka is not a vocal dog at all, and she rarely shows any signs of pain. So her screaming was a big deal for us and we immediately knew something was awfully wrong.

After the scream Milka started shaking on her whole body and could not move. Click here to see the video of her injury.

How We treated our French Bulldog's IVDD 100% Naturally

In the past we have worked with holistic veterinarians all over the world and at PAWDEGA we have supported countless pets with IVDD. Our immediate reaction to this situation was based on our experience with this topic.

Natural First-Aid Remedies for IVDD

Right after we realized Milka was injured, we immediately administered a dose of 'Your Go 2', 'Jump For Joynts', 'Herbaprin', and 'Inflapotion'.

'Your Go 2' is a natural homeopathic remedy for literally ANY emergency situation. It helps to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain. It's always our first 'go to' when Milka gets hurt.

'Jump For Joynts' is an effective homeopathic remedy, very effective in reducing inflammation, pain, and any joint-related injuries.

'Herbaprin' is a herbal remedy that helps reduce pain and helps dogs rest and heal after injuries. 

'Inflapotion' is a herbal remedy targeted at reducing inflammation quickly.

We honestly were not really sure what was wrong with Milka, we were guessing at that point and thought she must have hurt her spine, or there must be something neurological. But it wasn't very important in that moment to know exactly what was wrong with her. All of the products we gave her in that moment were natural, so they'll help her regardless of what the injury is.

We continued giving Milka the Jump For Joynts and Your Go 2 four times a day for two weeks and the Herbaprin & Inflapotion 2-3 times a day for 1 week.

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Recording symptoms of IVDD

Video footage always helps document the injury and helps the veterinarian to get a better idea of what was going on. Immediately after giving her the remedies, we started video recording her shaking and limping. We also wrote down the symptoms, timings, and duration of symptoms in our phone notes so we can reference the timeline correctly and keep track of her progress.

Natural Supplements for IVDD

For the past 5 years, we've already been feeding a variety of natural supplements on a daily basis to support a proactive approach to disease prevention and joint concerns. On the same day of the injury we started adding MCT Oil, Bone Broth, and Elk Antler Powder to her supplement routine.

Medicinal-grade MCT Oil supports energy, brain health, and immunity. MCT Oil is extremely beneficial for pets with seizures or any other neurological concern. Since we did not know if Milka's shivering was neurological, we just started adding MCT Oil as a precaution.

Bones Broth supports joint health and is an amazing source of collagen and gelatine.

We also started adding Elk Antler Sprinkles which is honestly incredible and I believe it's one big part of why Milka recovered so fast. Elk Antler Sprinkles are packed with important nutrients that support bone, joint, and muscle health. It also promotes an increase in strength & rapid recovery from injuries.

For the two months after the injury (and honestly still to this day), we focused very heavily on adding natural supplements that help to lower inflammation and support the natural healing process. 

On a daily basis, we fed her 'Gut Soothe', 'Healthy Hip & Joint', 'Potent-Sea', 'Elk Antler Powder', Bone Broth, 'Inflapotion', and 'Herbaprin' for their anti-inflammatory properties as well as 'Your Go 2' and 'Jump For Joynts'

Bedrest for IVDD

Right after the injury we immediately put Milka on bedrest and stopped walking her. We stopped using the harness and just carried her to a patch of grass where she can poop and pee. 

Even inside the house we tried to minimize her walking as much as possible. No jumping either. We got a few moveable barricades and installed baby gates from Amazon to limit her walking.

We ended up not taking her on any walks for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, we started taking very short walks and we had to use lots of treats so that she doesn't pull the leash. We just always took the precautionary route.

Veterinary care for IVDD

Two days after the initial injury we managed to get an appointment with our vet. I want to say I am beyond grateful for our vet Dr. Carme from The Veterinary Hospital in Dubai. I cannot overstate the importance of having a mutually respectful relationship with a veterinarian who supports a natural healing journey.

Dr. Carme was very surprised to see that Milka was already walking only two days after the injury. She watched the video footage,  looked at our notes and suspected a non-surgical herniated disc. 

Given the fact that Milka was already walking and trying to stand up on two legs, Dr. Carme said that we should just continue doing what we are doing regarding the natural remedies we've been giving Milka. She did not prescribe any medication to us but recommended physiotherapy.

Being at the vet with an injured pet is scary, so Dr. Carme's reassurance meant a lot to us.

Physio Therapy and Red light Therapy for ivdd

We started Physiotherapy with Kirsten from Physio Evolution in Dubai one week after the injury occurred. We did one session a week for 5 weeks and Kirsten gave us lots of exercises to do at home on a daily basis. During each session, Kirsten did a few minutes of laser therapy, some strengthening exercises and a few stretching exercises.

Simultaneously, we purchased a red light device from Photonic to support Milka's healing from home. It was a big investment, but it was so worth it. 

Red Light Therapy has so many incredible health benefits and helps promote healing after injury. We got the Essential Back Pad which was a bit more expensive, but we have been using it for the whole family, so it's definitely worth it.

Two Months Later... HOW HAS OUR French Bulldog recovered from IVDD?

I am very happy to let you know Milka has recovered amazingly and is doing incredibly well. It's like nothing ever happened. We went for a check-up around 6 weeks after the injury and even our vet Dr. Carme was very surprised and happy with how quickly and how well Milka recovered. 

Since this experience, we have made long-term adjustments to our Frenchie's supplement routine and lifestyle to help prevent this injury from happening again. 

Milka has been on Jump for Joynts by Adored Beast for many years, but since the injury we have been very strict with it, making 100% sure she gets Jump For Joynts on a daily basis. We also now feed her Bone Broth and Elk Antler powder daily as well as Potent-Sea and Healthy Hip & Joints.

We still continue to use the Photonic Red Light device a couple of times a week and we try to limit her jumping as much as possible.

We are beyond grateful that we were able to avoid surgery and medication, taking care of this IVDD injury 100% naturally. 

Medication can come with long-term side effects and impacted gut health which we want to avoid as much as possible.

I hope this story brings you the courage, and inspiration to go the natural route, whenever possible. But the truth is, if you want to avoid having to use medication on your pet, you cannot take the approach of 'let's wait and see'. You need to actively do something that is going to help you avoid the use of medication. Immediately start feeding effective, natural remedies and supplements and implement lifestyle changes that will help you avoid medication before it's too late!

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About Charly Pruden 

Charly is the #dogmom of French Bulldog Milka, and Co-Founder of PAWDEGA. Charly has always had a passion for animals, but her passion for pet wellness activism began when Milka’s undiagnosed health issues were healed by adapting a natural, non-toxic, and proactive pet wellness lifestyle. Through extensive research, content creation, attending pet health conferences in the US, and working with world-renowned holistic and integrative veterinarians, Charly continues to raise awareness on important pet health topics to empower pet parents to help their pets live longer.

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